Hi! I'm Shannon, the face behind Penny and Me. I’m a firm believer in good things coming out of the darkest of times, and that’s why in May 2019, during a particularly dark spell of grief for my mum, I decided to throw myself into my passion project and long time dream - starting my own small business. Aptly named after my mum, that's when Penny and Me was born!
I started Penny & Me from my bedroom back home, then to my bedroom in Manchester, whilst working full time as a graphic designer. Now 2 years on and nearly a year into doing the thing I love full time - creating colourful, positive and fun things for like-minded people (I still have to pinch myself on the reg!). It is my mission to spread a bit of joy and to make the everyday that little bit more colourful, one creation at a time. Each of my products are created with those thoughts in mind, and then packaged with the same intent: to brighten your day and put a smile on your face as soon as it arrives on your doorstep!
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It honestly means the world to me that you're even here, having a mooch at my website right now. Who knew 5 years ago that my world was about to end, only for it to lead me here? Ever since I was a little lady I wanted to run my own business and buy a huge mansion with a granny annex for my mum and dad (a girl can still dream on the mansion part...).
Life doesn't always turn out the way you planned, but remember even on the darkest of days there's a light at the end of that tunnel. My light is my mamma, and I wouldn't be here without her (or you, father!). I will continue to work hard, create pretty things, laugh a lot and spread the love and positivity in the hope that this little business of mine will make you smile even in the hardest times. Here's to more colour, more products (eeek!), more Penny, and of course - me.